Tag Archive for: Customer

Salt in butter

It is tempting to invest resources and develop plans to grow and have a controlling position in your market. “Lock-in” contracts, specific terms and conditions, sticky services—there are countless ways we can make a customer move to a competitor disruptive. While these tactics can be hugely profitable (lower customer churn, recurring revenue, higher company value), […]

Timid or a Creep

You have an effective lead generation program. Sending a potential customer your company brochure or directing her to your website is secure. Even setting up a follow-up in-person meeting may be quite straightforward. Selling her on the services your firm offers could be hard. Entrepreneurs and executives alike often go to great lengths to explain […]

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customers or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can convince the customer to willingly say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]

How to handle an unexpected price increase

  As a buyer, it can be stressful when a supplier announces an unexpected price increase. Many buyers will just accept it without raising any questions. But, it does not have to be that way. Try  this: Express surprise or irritation over the discussion and say “no” firmly. If they push then ask for the […]