Tag Archive for: Entrepreneur


Discard the old context. Discover the new framework.

Learner Doer

This book is for those who never thought of starting a business, to those running an enterprise, for the die-hard entrepreneurs born to create and lead, and for stable, less intense business owners.
How about dreamers stuck in a rut of day jobs? They dream about getting paid for pursuing their passion. Yes. This book is for them too.


We are the job we do. Even if it sucks, it pays bills. We believe that institution of work is efficient in creating job opportunities.
These beliefs are silly & belong to the old framework. Discard the obsolete context. Discover the new framework.

OPM Avoider

Discard the old context. Discover the new framework.

Big vs. Good

“Tell me something about your company.” “Well, we are a construction company with over 6000 employees.”  “Wow! nice!” Compare the above with this. “Well, I am a one-man-band working out of my home.” There is a pause, a smile, and maybe, “nice.” Why is “big” more impressive? Why is expansion always the goal?  Many giant […]

The new framework

An epoch of economic change with radical outcomes is underway. It is an opportunity for us to adopt a new framework—other than a job.

Before you speed up, know where you are going

In the nineties, first to market was the panacea. Who gets the new telecom innovation out in the market first? Lucent or Northern Telecom. Market entry faster than the competition was deemed critical. But what about direction? How relevant is speed if you are going in the wrong direction? Lucent and Northern Telecom were adept […]

Be what you want to be!

Learning a new skill quickly is possible. You can become a software programmer, a musician, an artist, a doctor, or even a leader. You can become the kind of person who can communicate and negotiate skillfully. You can become the person who comprehends the things and situations as they are, and knows what to do […]