Tag Archive for: Executive Skills

The Non-compromising battle between compromising Democrats and compromising Republicans

Americans love sports yet recognize the necessary flexibility in negotiating (trading) and therefore, are proficient compromisers. For instance, the Democratic Party is a fair compromise between Socialism and Practicality. The Republican Party is a reasonable compromise between Dictatorship and Neo-Liberalism. The Bernie Sanders Progressives are a decent compromise between radical liberalism and Reagan conservatism. The […]

Ask Good Questions

This is the third issue of the three-part knowledge letter on how to negotiate in a job interview. To see the earlier two parts, please click here. In the mid-1980s, “strategic planning” was the “IN” thing in corporate America. Many prominent academicians wrote books and articles in several high profile magazines. A senior executive of […]

Say “Not” In A Job Interview

This is a follow-on to my November 8 newsletter,  “Negotiating Salary? Interviewing for a new job? Ace it!” It is not necessarily a comprehensive list, just what not to say or do when in an interview. What is your current salary, and what is your salary expectation for this job? This or a variation of […]

Negotiating Salary? Interviewing for a new job? Ace it!

You have an attractive new job opportunity, or maybe an annual performance review meeting, in either situation; the single most trait that is important to the best results is your ability to negotiate skillfully. Unlike in the past, success is not so much about your technical skills or what you know, it is about “how” […]

Agree or Walk-Away?

In a negotiation, do not agree when it would not be wise to do so. However, also do not walk away from a mutually beneficial outcome. The “Agreement Trap” is the tendency to agree to a deal that is inferior to other available options.  We sometimes buy from a store even though a significantly better […]

Blow Your Horn, But No Yellow Teeth! Promote, Not Boast.

  Most of us do some self-promotion in our career, or even in social life. We try to help others see what we have accomplished, what more we can achieve, and what we can do for others. Often while we are self-promoting, we may also be turning other people off. One needs to be suave […]

Making of an Exemplar

“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast,” a remark attributed to Peter Drucker and popularized in 2006 by Mark Fields, president of Ford Motor Company, where it continues to hang in the company?s War Room. Many business leaders quote it. But, do they really understand the profound message implicit in the quote? Most C-levels and their lieutenants are obsessed […]

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customers or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can convince the customer to willingly say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]