Tag Archive for: Executive Skills

Fit in or Stand out – it is a choice.

Consider writing the playbook.

Making a better version of the current enterprise

Negotiating Online

You may write a thoughtful email. But what if the other side needs to read or understand it carefully due to language and terminology differences?

Agile Strategic Planning

Achieve desired goals with agility and avoid wasting time and resources.

Be Curious. Learn Continuously.

We came with a hiccup, and we will go with a hiccup. But, the journey is most important and is all about “learning.”

Understanding “Quality.”

Avoid confusions related to Quality

3 Negotiation strategies to end disputes

Avoid expensive deadlock and possible litigation. Create value.

Delivering meaningful outcomes of leadership

The real outcomes of leadership are people and teams who live up to their full potential – Making of Exemplars.