Tag Archive for: joint venture

Email, Phone, or In-Person

Several subscribers and clients have asked me if it is okay to negotiate by email. The answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ Let me explain. It is essential to recognize where you are in the negotiation process. During the preparation phase, the primary focus is on exchanging preliminary information, setting goals, prioritizing issues and the “Walkaways.” […]

Alliances and Joint Ventures

Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures In 2005, Thomas L. Friedman wrote the bestseller: The World is Flat: A brief history of the twentieth century. He analyzed the globalization, primarily in the early 21st century. The book raised my curiosity and interest in understanding the dynamics of global economies and their implications. I observed that since […]

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customers or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can convince the customer to willingly say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]

Have a constructive dialog

Circular debate during the dialog phase plagues many negotiations. Often, opposing parties struggle to go beyond the issue on the table. The result? Deadlocks, time delays and damaged relationships. You can conquer this and move negotiation forward by doing the following things: Agree on the problem. Develop a clear understanding of how you see the […]

Creating and Claiming sustainable value in negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customer or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Well, let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can persuade the customer to say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]

Dealing with difficult Negotiators

People are often difficult because they’ve learned that their bad behavior gets them what they want. In some cases they’re difficult because they believe that you or your organization or your country has wronged them in some way.  And sometimes they’re just awful people.  It doesn’t matter; you should not adopt or contrast their style. […]

Get ready for the next “Boom!”

On Nov 20, 2011, I wrote the following: “While Politicians are still pointing fingers at everything and everyone in sight for the bad economy, we are excited to announce that the “U.S. economic turnaround” is already in full swing! It is happening faster than the so-called ‘Pundits’ think.” Since the above observation, several positive signs […]

In Negotiations, Speak Up. Part II

In Part I, we presented the rationale to speak up in a negotiation. We will now discuss steps that can increase the odds that your conflicts will lead to productive dialog than circular debates. Go in with a Positive attitude In his executive negotiation workshops, Mike Milich, executive coach at SwiftNegotia, talks about cooperative behavior vs. competitive behavior. Cooperative […]