Tag Archive for: Millennials

Endless Growth

The entrepreneurs seeking funding often forecast excessive growth. They project $XXXM in revenue in the next three or five years, growing from YY to YYYY users in year NNNN. Most revenue projections, notably five-year predictions, are a wild guess. All growth forecasts are wrong (including mine). Investors are interested in how the start-up would acquire […]

Leader, Lackey, And Politician.

Leaders discuss ideas, Lackeys hide behind labels and shout slogans, the politicians exploit emotions and just chase money. Most organizations have all three. A leader examines the facts, speaks the truth, takes a strategic view, and does the right thing, even if she pays the price in the short-run. She does not worry about who […]

Before you speed up, know where you are going

In the nineties, first to market was the panacea. Who gets the new telecom innovation out in the market first? Lucent or Northern Telecom. Market entry faster than the competition was deemed critical. But what about direction? How relevant is speed if you are going in the wrong direction? Lucent and Northern Telecom were adept […]

Be what you want to be!

Learning a new skill quickly is possible. You can become a software programmer, a musician, an artist, a doctor, or even a leader. You can become the kind of person who can communicate and negotiate skillfully. You can become the person who comprehends the things and situations as they are, and knows what to do […]

It’s for you

Just about everything customized is better received. One reason is the psychology of “I.” The recognition that attire is: Custom made (for you) With care (the right material) Short-lived (is boring after wearing a few times) Think what else (ideas, services, products, relationships) could be tailored to your liking? Just about everything, I think. Is […]

Drop apathy for change

I have the power of position or expertise. I can affect the corporate culture.  I can make you apathetic. I won’t respond to your communication. Dismiss your suggestions. Treat you irrelevant.   I will just address the lowest common denominator. Revise the offers to appeal to illiterate or simpletons. Diminish the need for critical thinking and […]


Competition drives companies to focus on customer satisfaction. Unhappy users will move to your competitor. But will they? Often, the cost and disruption of the move are a significant barrier. The customer is kind of “trapped.” Pharma companies do not need to make the drug less addictive. They seek to maximize profitability for each drug. […]

Getting out of Jam or Pickle

The predicament is that you see no outcome other than the one you fear or do not want. So, most of the time, when we think we are stuck, we fear the short-term outcome of making a decision. Make a choice, take the step, and own the consequences. You can then start fresh. Of course, […]