Tag Archive for: Millennials
The only lousy time-off is the one you don’t take.
/in Blog, Books, Leadership/by SatishmehtaUSAWoodworking or playing harmonica recharges your mental and physical batteries more effectively than watching geriatrics win elections.
Dhaakar’s Negotiation Skills Program
/in Negotiations, Negotiations Skills/by SatishmehtaUSAMost common trait of successful leaders is their ability to negotiate skillfully.
Give Your Biggest Fans A Story To Tell
/in Leadership, Start Up/by SatishmehtaUSAFind, connect, support, and broadcast those who trust and believe in you.
Are Your Customers “Trapped?”
/in Start Up/by SatishmehtaUSAWhen you start a small business, engage in free-market competitive thinking, and when you have a “trapped” customer base, act like you don’t.
Apathetic Bystander or An Exemplar
/in Leadership, Start Up/by SatishmehtaUSAIt gets more compelling and challenging as you progress from doing it by the rules to making a change happen.
Decision Making Simply Put
/in Leadership, Start Up/by SatishmehtaUSAThe Starters’ Playbook
/in Leadership/by SatishmehtaUSAIt’s time to question the relevance of the current education system forĀ the instant skillsĀ and talent needs of the evolving times.