Tag Archive for: Millennials

Three ways to open up as a leader.

Ignore books by satish at your own peril.

The only lousy time-off is the one you don’t take.

Woodworking or playing harmonica recharges your mental and physical batteries more effectively than watching geriatrics win elections.

Dhaakar’s Negotiation Skills Program

Most common trait of successful leaders is their ability to negotiate skillfully.

Give Your Biggest Fans A Story To Tell

Find, connect, support, and broadcast those who trust and believe in you.

Are Your Customers “Trapped?”

When you start a small business, engage in free-market competitive thinking, and when you have a “trapped” customer base, act like you don’t.

Apathetic Bystander or An Exemplar

It gets more compelling and challenging as you progress from doing it by the rules to making a change happen.

Decision Making Simply Put

The Starters’ Playbook


It’s time to question the relevance of the current education system forĀ the instant skillsĀ and talent needs of the evolving times.