Tag Archive for: Millennials

Is leadership success common sense?

There are thousands of books written on leadership describing it from science to art and everything in between. Much of leadership success is common sense. However, common sense is often rare. Consider these facts:

Mentor and Mentee

Mentoring is not coaching. Here is a list of the highlights of my experience in mentoring.

Doing the “cannot be done.”

So ask yourself, “Am I part of an organization where I can do the “cannot be done?”

New Business Venture or Product Introduction Team

This Is It!

Pivot or Perish?

And the thing about start-ups and slow-growth companies is that because they are spending so much time in terra incognita, in a world of unknowns and new possibilities, learning new stuff and changing the rules of competition is what the game is about.

How is your franchise fit?

5 Common RFP Response Mistakes and the Fixes

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