Tag Archive for: negotiating skills

Assumptions, Expectations, and Reality

As a negotiator, do not inadvertently create a competitive environment or transfer power to the opponent.  Sounds simple. Not. Why not? Because it is linked to your behavior. Your behavior based on assumptions you have made and the expectations you have created on the other side. Expect the opponent to be competitive, the other party will become […]

Friends and enemies

It is true that in life, the company of friends adds to happiness. However, the same nearness to friends can distract you and make you careless. Friends focus on and praise your good qualities and strengths. They increase your pride. Spend much time with the fans and supporters who work so hard to help you […]


Why do people write history? Why are the events and biographies recorded? Is it because they make a good read and will sell a lot of books? No. The primary purpose of history is to teach and encourage curious minds to learn from others’ experiences. It is said that education and experience teach us a […]

How good do you want this to be?

Your offer. Who is it for? How would they benefit? Is it essential, or just urgent? Is it right, convenient, or just there? Is it improving things, or creating more pressing items? Is it just creating new wants? Is it making customers more productive or squandering time? Is it making or breaking relationships? Is it revealing […]

Drop apathy for change

I have the power of position or expertise. I can affect the corporate culture.  I can make you apathetic. I won’t respond to your communication. Dismiss your suggestions. Treat you irrelevant.   I will just address the lowest common denominator. Revise the offers to appeal to illiterate or simpletons. Diminish the need for critical thinking and […]

Rule Breakers

My children went to the local public school. The school teaches the way it has been doing for, maybe, over fifty years. The tools may have changed. The methods are the same. Most parents are familiar with how the school works; know the teachers and several other parents. They are part of the same clan. […]

Brash and Obtuse

One does not have to be in a cult to act like a cult member. It is not a surprise to come across angry, brash, and obtuse people behaving like cult members. However, when people in professional positions act like cult members, it is frustrating, to say the least. Cult members are rigid, often emotional, […]

Novelty Wear Off – Is bloom off the rose?

When smartphones came out, everyone was installing apps indiscreetly. More, the better. Now, users install an app only if it is something they will use frequently. When the electronic newsletter was a new thing, people subscribed to them by the tens. Now, the newsletters show up unsolicited, and people unsubscribe them by the tens. Until […]