Tag Archive for: Relationships

“Yes, and…” vs. “Yes, but…”

Most successful leaders have one trait in common. It is their ability to negotiate skillfully. Invest in yourself.

The Crux

Since the dawn of marketing, professionals have asked simple questions to construct objectives, strategies, and tactics. At the most basic level, the issues haven’t changed. WHO are you trying to: ? Address? ? Influence? ? Reach? If the answer is anyone and everyone, you are wasting time and resources. Step back and find your “specific […]

Negotiate over food

Set the conducive environment Their office is their territory. Your office is your territory. In either case, there are interruptionsā€¦colleagues, emails, phone calls. Their office, you put up your guard. Your place, the other side will be tempted to put up their guard. Find a restaurant with a pleasing ambiance. You are at ease, and […]

“Yes, and…” vs. “Yes, but…”

In her book, Improvisation for the Theater, Viola Spolin leads the actors through games and exercises that dynamically connect the players. What one player does and says is immediately sensed and responded to by the other player. And that, in turn, creates a spontaneous response in the first player. The players accept each otherā€™s actions […]

Salt in butter

It is tempting to invest resources and develop plans to grow and have a controlling position in your market. “Lock-in” contracts, specific terms and conditions, sticky servicesā€”there are countless ways we can make a customer move to a competitor disruptive. While these tactics can be hugely profitable (lower customer churn, recurring revenue, higher company value), […]

Give your reason and shut up!

There is usually an excellent reason for something: for doing it, for not doing it. Often we tell the other party this reason. We then think of another idea, and we give that as well. Then a third reason occurs to us, and we add that in for good measure. The problem is that each […]

The problem, Pain, and Price

“Let’s set up a conference call. We are not too thrilled with your customer service and support. And, of course, we will see if we want to continue to spend this kind of money. We will discuss our contract at the meeting.” This was the call my client received from a significant customer of his […]

Drop apathy for change

I have the power of position or expertise. I can affect the corporate culture.Ā  I can make you apathetic. I won’t respond to your communication. Dismiss your suggestions. Treat you irrelevant.Ā Ā  I will just address the lowest common denominator. Revise the offers to appeal to illiterate or simpletons. Diminish the need for critical thinking and […]