Tag Archive for: seller

Do you know that the world’s greatest leaders share a common trait?

It is their ability to negotiate skillfully. While some may be born with natural ability, most leaders sharpen their skills over time, usually only after many years of work experience. Master your work setting, strengthen and relish business and personal relationships, generate higher income, and accumulate wealth. Reduce conflict at work and home. That person […]

Negotiating with difficult people – Part II

It is late afternoon on Friday before the Labor Day weekend. Stacy is wrapping up at work, getting ready to drive to Hershey, PA, for some family fun. Just as she is about to leave, her supervisor hands her an RFP (request for proposal). “Hey, Stacy, please complete this so that customer can review first […]

How to handle an unexpected price increase

  As a buyer, it can be stressful when a supplier announces an unexpected price increase. Many buyers will just accept it without raising any questions. But, it does not have to be that way. Try  this: Express surprise or irritation over the discussion and say “no” firmly. If they push then ask for the […]