Tag Archive for: Sellers

Five ways to handle the other side’s biases

Suppose a negotiation is at a deadlock. Can you objectively analyze the causes? Often there is a tendency to blame the other side’s opinions for the impasse. Such assumptions will not help a negotiation move forward. In my book, “The World is a bazaar. Life is a negotiation, ” I encourage the reader to ask […]

Negotiate to instill a vision

Most common trait of all successful leaders is their ability to negotiate skillfully

“Critical Thinking, Intelligent Action,” In Negotiation

Let us face it. Life is a negotiation. You negotiate with your spouse, your children, your colleagues, even your commercial alliances and competitors… the list goes on. If you have read, “The World Is A BAZAAR – LIFE IS A NEGOTIATION – Skills to inject success, creativity, and fun in your life, relationships, and work,” […]

Managing status in a negotiation

Are people concerned about status in any negotiation? Yes, they are. The question is, how do you deal with your concerns and those of the others? This is part one of six-part knowledge letter sharing guidelines applicable in most situations. Select the correct benchmark Often the negotiators make tacit comparisons with others. When the other […]

Softening a stubborn haggler

I intended to write the next issue of “Negotiating with difficult people.” However, I am compelled to respond to a question raised by several readers of my newsletter. Question: How do I deal with a person who is known for being a stubborn haggler? If I adopt a collaborative approach and be cordial, my opponent will […]

Negotiating with difficult people, Part VI

Pay careful attention to your opponent and look for signals. Recognize that not all of her needs may be readily evident.  These are usually unstated needs. A homeowner who will not cooperate with a real estate agent to help sell her house may turn out to have deep-seated uncertainty about selling. Realizing that, you might […]

Negotiating with difficult people – Part I

Understand the environment What kind of situation are you dealing with? Does it promote collaborative behavior or adversarial conduct? It is not always that the other side is poor negotiators. Other factors could influence their stance. In general, long-term relationships, voluntary relationships, private informal setting, emotionally detached from the deal and absence of irritants will […]