Tag Archive for: Startups


Millennials and Gen Z have made the cliché, work smarter, not harder real.


Who are self-leaders? The self-leaders lead and manage their own work. They set their own goals, timelines, and work hours. They do everything that an adept manager does to execute and complete a project. So, what’s the difference?  They do everything themselves for themselves. A Self-leader heads an organization of one. Once they know the […]

Big vs. Good

“Tell me something about your company.” “Well, we are a construction company with over 6000 employees.”  “Wow! nice!” Compare the above with this. “Well, I am a one-man-band working out of my home.” There is a pause, a smile, and maybe, “nice.” Why is “big” more impressive? Why is expansion always the goal?  Many giant […]

Forecasts and plans

All longer than one-year projections are guesses. Waste no time on false precision….

The new framework

An epoch of economic change with radical outcomes is underway. It is an opportunity for us to adopt a new framework—other than a job.

How good do you want this to be?

Your offer. Who is it for? How would they benefit? Is it essential, or just urgent? Is it right, convenient, or just there? Is it improving things, or creating more pressing items? Is it just creating new wants? Is it making customers more productive or squandering time? Is it making or breaking relationships? Is it revealing […]

Endless Growth

The entrepreneurs seeking funding often forecast excessive growth. They project $XXXM in revenue in the next three or five years, growing from YY to YYYY users in year NNNN. Most revenue projections, notably five-year predictions, are a wild guess. All growth forecasts are wrong (including mine). Investors are interested in how the start-up would acquire […]

Chatter and Intelligence

  Mind chattering is the continuous narrative going on in our heads. Some scholars call it a bug. That may be a hasty assessment. Mind chatter is the raw material for Sci-Fi writers. France wants to hire the creatives to imagine how the future could go wrong so that the nations can stay one step […]