Tag Archive for: supply chain

Assumptions, Expectations, and Reality

As a negotiator, do not inadvertently create a competitive environment or transfer power to the opponent.  Sounds simple. Not. Why not? Because it is linked to your behavior. Your behavior based on assumptions you have made and the expectations you have created on the other side. Expect the opponent to be competitive, the other party will become […]

Practice Kicks Fear

Anything you are afraid to do, practice doing it. Practice gets rid of fear. With practice, it becomes a habit. If you’re afraid to play the piano, play a little every day. Learn the notes. Begin with simple music. Play when you are alone. Record yourself. Play a bit more. Every day, tick-tock, tick-tock, a […]

“Critical Thinking, Intelligent Action,” In Negotiation

Let us face it. Life is a negotiation. You negotiate with your spouse, your children, your colleagues, even your commercial alliances and competitors… the list goes on. If you have read, “The World Is A BAZAAR – LIFE IS A NEGOTIATION – Skills to inject success, creativity, and fun in your life, relationships, and work,” […]

Managing Status In A Negotiation Part II

Know the other side’s benchmark It’s also important to consider who or what your negotiating opponent has selected as a yardstick. In all likelihood, she wanted favorable comparisons, which may cause her to be overly optimistic about what she can achieve. If so, try to help her adjust her aspirations and work with her to […]

Negotiating with difficult people – Part II

It is late afternoon on Friday before the Labor Day weekend. Stacy is wrapping up at work, getting ready to drive to Hershey, PA, for some family fun. Just as she is about to leave, her supervisor hands her an RFP (request for proposal). “Hey, Stacy, please complete this so that customer can review first […]

Life is a negotiation. Succeed everyday.

Let’s face it. Life is a negotiation. Now, imagine Yourself succeeding every day.  When you read Trends, Topics, and Tactics, you learn how to: Bring a protracted bargaining process to a stop with a “close” move. Ask, “What would it take to get this done right now?” Establish the other party’s position and expose any […]

Timid or a Creep

You have an effective lead generation program. Sending a potential customer your company brochure or directing her to your website is secure. Even setting up a follow-up in-person meeting may be quite straightforward. Selling her on the services your firm offers could be hard. Entrepreneurs and executives alike often go to great lengths to explain […]

Make Preparing for Negotiation, your Bitch! – Sample Preparation Sheet