Tag Archive for: Zgen

Why go back to office or workplace?

A technology or an innovation may remove the human element in one area. But, it will also create opportunities in another.

Five mistakes negotiators often make – Mistake 2

Most successful leaders have one trait in common. It is their ability to negotiate skillfully.

Values Leader

We are the job we do. Even if it sucks, it pays bills. We believe that institution of work is efficient in creating job opportunities.
These beliefs are silly & belong to the old framework. Discard the obsolete context. Discover the new framework.

Be Ingenious

One of my mentees is a manufacturer’s representative for the paper industry. After two years of hard work, he began seeing some positive results. He immediately wanted to hire one of his CPA friends as VP of finance.  “How many accounts do you have?” I asked. “Six.” “Why do you need a full-time VP of […]

Time Not

We identify ourselves with the job we do. Even if it sucks, a job gives purpose and structure to everyday lives. It pays our bills and makes us feel responsible. We also like to believe that the institution of work is relatively efficient in creating job opportunities and incomes.

These beliefs are silly and belong to the old framework. Discard the obsolete context. Discover the new framework.

Problem Solver

This book is for those who never thought of starting a business, to those running an enterprise. It is for those stuck in a rut of day jobs and dream about getting paid for pursuing their passion.


What is meaningful to you? What do you expect in return?Recognition?Access to prominent people?Valuable content?A sizable material gain? Your customers most likely have similar wants—recognition, access to prominent people, valuable content, and possibly a material benefit. The meaningful activity does not have to be a pioneering work like Uber that radically changed the taxi business. […]

Yes or No

Let some customers outgrow you …