Negotiations Skills

Blog Posts by Satish Mehta

How to handle an unexpected price increase

  As a buyer, it can be stressful when a supplier announces…

Have a constructive dialog

Circular debate during the dialog phase plagues many negotiations.…

Creating and Claiming sustainable value in negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities…

Dealing with difficult Negotiators

People are often difficult because they've learned that their…

Are you and your team ready for the next negotiation?

Are you ready for the next negotiation? "Sure," you say, "we…

Get Your Negotiating Team To Collaborate

Management of a major project and / or program frequently involves…

Get ready for the next “Boom!”

On Nov 20, 2011, I wrote the following: “While Politicians…

6 steps to earn support of internal stakeholders

 We often think of negotiating with people outside of our organization.…

In Negotiations, Speak Up. Part II

In Part I, we presented the rationale to speak up in a negotiation. We…

In Negotiations, Speak Up

Is it better to stay quiet, swallow the wrong or express yourself…

Supply Chain: Do you think learning proven negotiations skills could help you and your team?

Supply Chain: Do you think learning proven negotiations skills…