Negotiations Skills

Blog Posts by Satish Mehta

Invest in yourself

Oh! The winter blues. It is temporary, I promise. While you areā€¦

The Two Pigs In The Python

Seventy-five million Baby Boomers and seventy-six million Millennialsā€¦

The “Bullhorn Effect!”

In the baby boomer era, women would ignore or laugh off the sexual innuendos. Men deemed such behavior ā€œnormal.ā€

“What’s Wrong?” “Nothing.”

Jerry owned hotels and warehouses. As a hands-on owner, he left home early and came back late. After his divorce, Jerry realized that he should have recognized his wifeā€™s unexpressed conflict. Often when he came back, his ex-wife would be quiet and ignore him. The conversation would be something like: Jerry: "what's wrong?" Jane: "Nothing." Jerry: "Why are you so quiet?" Jane: "You should know." Jerry: "I should know what?" Jane: "I am not telling." In this circular dialog, one of them needs to propose to move the conversation forward.

Labels, Cults, And Sheep

My friend, Bob, invited me to Tuff n Nuff Rodeo and Bull Ridingā€¦

Your grandchild for my dog?

  Living in suburban New Jersey, we had a purebred goldenā€¦

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunitiesā€¦

Making of an Exemplar

ā€œCulture Eats Strategy for Breakfast,ā€Ā a remark attributedā€¦

How to get most out of your training budget? – Part I

Globalization of economies is well under way. International travelā€¦

Alliances and Joint Ventures

Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures In 2005, Thomas L.ā€¦

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunitiesā€¦

Enjoy the Spring Season!

Finally, Spring is here! It is time to shrug offā€¦