Negotiations Skills

Blog Posts by Satish Mehta

Be what you want to be!

Learning a new skill quickly is possible. You can become a software…

Brash and Obtuse

One does not have to be in a cult to act like a cult member.…

Novelty Wear Off – Is bloom off the rose?

When smartphones came out, everyone was installing apps indiscreetly.…


My friend, Chris, called to complain about how a homeowner, who…


"Simplicity is the ideal virtue. Oh! how difficult it is to…

Practice Kicks Fear

Anything you are afraid to do, practice doing it. Practice…

Chatter and Intelligence

  Mind chattering is the continuous narrative going…

“Critical Thinking, Intelligent Action,” In Negotiation

Let us face it. Life is a negotiation. You negotiate with your…

Managing status in negotiation, Part V

Finally, before and during negotiation, learn from similar…

Managing status in a negotiation, Part IV

Establish social standards If a clear norm exists regarding…

Managing Status in a Negotiation, Part III

When a reference benchmark is not determined and agreed upon…

Managing Status In A Negotiation Part II

Know the other side’s benchmark It’s also important to…